Industry Structure and Development:
Real Estate Business
The Real Estate Industry in India is flourishing and has earmarked a significant position for itself in today’s Scenario. The Company is in continuous process of making a vivacious presence for itself in real estate Industry.
Trading and Agency Business
The Trading and Agency business has always remains an indispensable segment fostering the growth of each and every Industry. The said business generates revenue to the Company. It diversifies the area of operation of the Company in an acceptable genre.
Opportunities and Threats:
Since the beginning of economic reforms and pragmatic and visionary policies adopted by the Government, the Indian economy has been witnessing strong economic growth along with demographic impetus of a growing population in the working-age category. This is creating a massive demand-supply mismatch across the real estate sector. The sheer increase in the ‘need for built-up space’ is opening up several opportunities for developers- be it for constructing residential properties, creating commercial space for offices or retail. Your Company is all set to avail such opportunities and take a giant leap in the path of progress.
Apart from normal business risks, your company will be facing stiff competition from existing as well as other new entrants in the same line of business. However pragmatic and prudent policies and induction of young and dynamic visionaries with expertise coupled with infusion of high-tech approach, your company will be progressing by leaps and bounds.
Segment wise Performance:
A detailed segment report is prepared and presented at Sr. No. 21 in Notes to Accounts appearing under (Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to Accounts) forming part of the Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2012.
Risks, Concerns and Out-Look:
In the course of its business, your company is exposed to a wide variety of risks like non availability of, or exorbitant increase in the cost of land, cement, steel, labourforce, short terms and long term funds etc being inherent to industry.
Demand for real estate industry is sensitive to interest rate fluctuations. Interest rate has been rising in the recent past owing to Reserve Bank of India credit tightening policy. This could adversely affect Company’s business plan considering that residential segment constitutes significant portion of company’s business.
Real estate business in India being highly regulated by Governments at various level, several regulatory approvals, permits, licenses etc. are required to be obtained from the Government/Authorities from time to time for projects. Any delay in obtaining such approvals can affect the timely execution of projects.
Despite a number of risks, your company will be facing them with full zeal and gist and will be able to overcome and withstand the risks enumerated envisaging future outlook.
Internal Control System and their Adequacy:
The Company has in place adequate internal control system covering all its operations in order to provide reasonable assurance with regard to information and maintenance of proper accounting records, the economy and efficiency of operations, safeguarding of assets against unauthorised use or losses, and the reliability of financial and operational information.
The Internal Control mechanism comprises a well-defined organization structure, pre-determined authority levels and clearly defined policy guidelines for appropriate delegation of authority.
Financial Performance with respect to Operational Performance:
The Financial performance of the Company has been given separately in the Directors’ Report.
Material Developments in Human Resources / Industrial Relations:
The Company firmly believes that “People” and “People driven Strategies” are the pivotal force behind success of its growth. The HR philosophy is communicated to the employees through various group interactions with the Top Management. In order to ensure that its HR philosophy is translated into demonstrated action, the Company has sound, pro-active and progressive HR strategy and practices.
Cautionary Statement:
Statements in the Management Discussion and Analysis describing the Company’s objectives, projections, estimates, expectations may be “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied. Important factors that could make a difference to the Company’s operations include, among others, economic conditions affecting demand/supply and price conditions in the domestic market in which the Company operates, changes in the Government regulations, tax laws and other statutes and incidental factors.